美国参议院外交委员会和金融委员会的跨党派议员于星期四(1月23日)联合提出《美台加快免除双重课税法》(US-Taiwan Expedited Double-Tax Relief Act),作为众议院近期以压倒性票数通过的同名法案的参议院版本。此举旨在加快参议院的立法进程,以便法案尽快进入表决程序,并提交总统签署成为法律,进一步推动美台经贸合作,减少双重税收负担。
Rescue and relief efforts are underway after a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck China's Taiwan at midnight Tuesday, with no ...
Taiwan compatriots made more than 4.02 million trips to the mainland in 2024, up 54.3 percent from the previous year, a ...
这一场聚集台湾半导体及下游系统大厂大老的午宴盛会中,包括台积电董事长魏哲家、硅品董事长蔡祺文、鸿海集团董事长刘扬伟、广达董事长林百里、纬创董事长林宪铭、纬颖董事长洪丽寗、英业达董事长叶力诚、和硕董事长童子贤、宏碁董事长陈俊圣、华硕董事长施崇棠和微星董 ...
TAIPEI/BEIJING, 21 ene (Xinhua) -- Un sismo de magnitud 6,2 en la escala Richter sacudió la ciudad de Tainan en Taiwan de China, a las 00:17 horas del martes hora de Beijing, informó el Centro de ...
Question: According to the “Taiwan Central News Agency”, Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region recently said that countries like China and Russia threaten the rule-based international order and un ...
La parte continental de China reanudará pronto los servicios de viajes grupales para los residentes de Fujian y Shanghai a ...