Around $1,000 has been the sweet spot for RTX 4060 Ti gaming PCs for a while, now, but that usually means a sacrifice or two ...
一、前言根据小编之前分享的评测对比来看,英特尔ARC B580显卡的性能是大致持平GeForce RTX 4060的,双方互有胜负,ARC B580的功耗更低。今天将分享ARC B580和GeForce RTX 4060 Ti ...
快科技1月17日消息,RTX 5070已经正式发布,但上市要等到2月份,RTX 5060 Ti、RTX 5060则可能要等到二季度才会登场,因此现有的RTX 4070、RTX 4060 Ti、RTX ...
万众瞩目的英伟达RTX 50系列显卡将于1月30日隆重上市,其中RTX 5090D售价高达16499元,而RTX 5080的定价则为8299元。就在此时,渠道商们开始传出猛料,预计RTX 4070及以上型号的库存将在本月内彻底清空。从下个月起,市场上将只剩下少量的RTX 4060 Ti和RTX 4060显卡等待消耗。
随着RTX 5070显卡的即将发布(虽然真正上市还要等到2月份),RTX 4060系列的市场状况变得愈发复杂。消息透露,RTX 4070及以上型号正在迅速清理库存,以腾出空间给新产品,而RTX 4060 Ti的供货紧张问题则是业内关注的焦点。由于NVIDIA的GPU供应量有限,制造商不得不谨慎控制出货节奏。有人称,2月份可能是此款显卡的最后一批供应期。与此同时,RTX 4060的供应状况也日益紧张 ...
Nvidia hasn't announced the RTX 5060 yet, but I'm already worried about how the card will perform when it shows up.
Nvidia RTX 4060 GPUs are expected to slowly sell out until March following their discontinuation, making room for the RTX ...
During CES 2025, Nvidia unveiled its lineup of next-generation GeForce RTX 50 Series GPUs. While the desktop GeForce RTX 5090 ...
We know that NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 5070 Ti and 5070 are expected to launch in February, we just don't know when exactly.