The main events of Star Trek: Section 31 occur on Stardate 1292.4, which translates to April 17, 2324, on our Gregorian calendar. This places the story 40 years before the iconic Star Trek: The Next ...
In Episode 7 of The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call, after a successful medical mission in South Sudan, Dr. Baek is informed that his colleague, Dr. Han, has gone to help the victims of a fire incident.
We won't be talking about the moot point of Fight Club; we all know that Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) was never there. We'll be touching on the very end of the film, where the unnamed narrator and Marla ...
Beyond the Gates, CBS’s sudser that will be gracing our screens in less than a month is giving us another peek into the gated community that promises lots of drama, intrigue, and other soapy entertai ...